Facilitator spotlight: Clarissa Sparks
Clarissa Sparks was the first ever brand professional to reach out to me with a request to use our tools in her own branding practice back in early 2015, and if I could train her to use them effectively. Because it was early days, I had not yet considered building a train-the-trainer programme. Clarissa turned out to be ahead of the pack, and she sparked a journey of discovery to the needs of many brand developers across the world, who are looking to up their strategy game and structure their process in order to offer a more impactful service to their customers. Clarissa became a member of the pilot trainer’s programme, and loved it so much she joined the first official class too. She has since trained over 2,000 people with our tools. We had a chance to meet up in person in Chicago in 2019.
What did your professional practice look like before you discovered our tools?
Working with Anne and her tools and being a part of the trainers’ programme was like putting on glasses for the first time: everything became clearer and had more focus. I had been running a design agency for years, then I realised that the traditional agency no longer worked and was not in good favour of today’s startups. I went through two iterations of the Brand the Change trainers’ programme (the pilot & class zero) and rebranded in 2016.
Since then I have expanded industries and gained more visibility by speaking and consulting on the subject of branding by offering a step-by-step method to help entrepreneurs, startups, and small-to-midsize businesses create stronger brands.
Clarissa in action
How will a stronger brand help them?
I really believe that before emerging entrepreneurs and expanding small-to-midsize businesses start marketing, they should be clear on who they are, what they do, and why it matters. From strategic to verbal and visual brand clarity, our method is applicable to create a focused message and cohesive brand image around a new offering in order to successfully launch, or attract the next round of funding.
Clarissa teaching at University of Pennsylvania School of Law, 2019
What does your process look like?
It’s all about getting to brand clarity! I use the goal setting tool to help clients address where they are now and where they want to go. We also use the brand pitch and brand persona tools to translate the brand strategy to a focused message. We now offer an eight hour Brand Focus Lab, where we create the brand foundation for brands in a single day during an in-person workshop, or a full 12-week process from naming to identity. I also host Brand Focus Radio, where entrepreneurs and experts share who they are, what they do, and why it matters.
I’m really excited about a case we did for Universal Home Care & Services, a small company that provides private home care to help the elderly and disabled remain in their homes and “age in place” instead of moving into a facility.
When Universal approached us, they knew a full rebrand was necessary to signify the big change from a service-based company to a leading home health care provider. Through the in-person brand strategy workshop the new brand's why, how and what was clearly defined in a single day. The product and service description gained clarity, while the mission 'to provide transparency, choice, and control created a bigger picture.
Can you tell us about the amazing research you are doing on the Brand The Change method?
I’m currently a Higher Education Leadership doctoral candidate at Clark Atlanta University, where I am researching how the Brand Thinking Canvas and the Brand The Change methodology can give Historically Black Colleges and University’s (HBCUs) a renewed purpose and competitive position in the higher education market. I’m scheduled to complete my EdD degree requirements by this summer.
What is your favourite tool from BTC and why?
The Brand Thinking Canvas is my favourite tool, it is the foundational tool of my agency and it creates a “perfect” brand framework. It helps clients to define who they are, what they do and why it matters, it also helps identify who their audience is and how they direct brand building interactions.
Clarissa and Anne in Chicago, 2019
How have you made the tools your own, or, which special flavour do you add to a workshop that makes it yours?
In our Brand Focus Labs we use guided exercises to help co-create a clear, compelling concept and a strategic plan to get the audiences and traction needed to be competitive. In every workshop participants are challenged to think like a brand strategist, they select a pre-existing well-known brand, a creative team role: (e.g. Creative Director, Graphic Designer, Public Relations) and rebrand the selected company by walking through the three phases of the Brand Thinking Canvas. At the end of each Brand Focus Labs teams pitch the rebrand to the other workshop teams. The participants enjoy the interaction, it’s not their traditional in-office workshop.
How many people have you trained with the tools so far?
Brand Focus Labs are held at co-working spaces, universities, conferences, incubators and accelerators. From 2016 over 2,000 participants have used the Brand Thinking tools through one-on-one workshops and group workshops. I have also co-created over 30 brand launches with the Brand Thinking Canvas.
Can you share one ‘PRO’ tip on training with the tools?
Don’t just buy and read Brand the Change, put the tools to work! Incorporate them into your company's business and marketing strategy. Without strategy there is no reason to have design.
Find Clarissa online
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If you want to level up your strategy and facilitation skills, you will love our upcoming Brand Thinking Canvas Facilitation online course. You can pre-register this month for an early bird price! Check it out.