Presenting: Class Two of our Trainers' Programme

We can’t believe we are already presenting the second class of the Brand The Change Trainer Programme. Class Two hails from 10 different countries and represents an amazing set of talent and experience from the business world, social and creative sectors.


Carlos Arturo Aguilar - Mexico
Carlos lives in Chiappas, where he collaborates with the International Center for Social Innovation to support social entrepreneurs in developing products, services and businesses. He sees how important the brand aspect of those initiatives is, and is eager to build a solid support system around this topic for the partners he works with.


Emily Saturnino - Portugal
Emily is a brand strategist on the verge of opening her own consultancy in Portugal, and is the tireless host of the Brand The Change Meetups in Lisbon. We all need to bring our brains to the gym to ensure we stay inspired and limber, which is why she is joining the programme.


Melissa Arostegui - Dominican Republic / the Netherlands
Melissa is on a mission to make sustainable brands the norm, rather than the exception or the alternative. She has a background in corporate sustainability and joined the trainers’ programme to exercise her creative muscle, something she also does as the co-host of the Brand The Change Meetups in Amsterdam.


Nick Topp - The Netherlands
Nick is the creative director of Amsterdam based agency Multitude. They work exclusively with changemakers, and know that the organisations with the best stories often have the hardest time telling them, and that’s where Multitude comes in!


Joza Nada - The Philippines
After a decade long career in the advertising industry, Joza joined Wise Owl as a communications strategist. They believe the best advocates are good communicators, and is part of the programme to learn about different approaches to brand and communication for change.


Guillermo Dufranc - Argentina
Guillermo is passionate about packaging and the potential this sector has to be drivers of positive environmental impact. Guillermo is highly self conscious: as a creator of garbage, he wants to eliminate garbage.


Kristin Leitch - New Zealand / the Netherlands

Kristin works as a senior brand designer at Impraise, which partners with companies to develop their people. She joins the programme to better articulate the value of her work in order to take her team along on a brand building journey.


Michelle Chakkalackal - Canada
Michelle works as a consultant facilitator and coach, and works with leadership teams on aligning their mission, vision and strategy, and through that work realised there is a whole world of language coming from the branding sector, and wanted to explore this sector further in order to borrow concepts that can complement her work.


Anne Fenn - India/ Dubai
Anne has 25 years of experience in marketing and brand, with her last role as Head of Brand at Etihad. She wants to move forward in an independent practice, supporting creative agencies in developing their business. She is looking to widen her horizon on branding with a network of inspiring thinkers in the field.


Hadas Drachli - Israel
Hadas realised brands can change the world for better, and moved from design into brand strategy. She is joining the programme to widen her perspective and learn from the community of other professionals.


Ala’a Ghanimah - Egypt / Saudi Arabia
Ala’a is a change consultant that specialises in strategy and communicationsactive in the the creative industry. She is working on a concept for a new way to work as creative individuals, for which the Brand The Change methodology can be very useful.


David de Zwart - the Netherlands
David is Nick’s co-founder of Multitude, and in charge of processes at the agency. He is eager to investigate which methodologies they can add to their toolbox in order to help their changemaker clients be more effective at selling the change they want to see in the world.


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